Sherry Koch

Hometown: St. Anthony, ND and Mooreton, ND
Education: B.S. Communications minor Radio/Television

How did you get started in agriculture?
I grew up on a dairy and small grain farm, so I’ve always been around agriculture. While in college, I did four internships with BASF that exposed me to the sales side of agriculture.

Work career and responsibilities?
My first job out of college was a crop production specialist with Land O’Lakes. I spent the first 15 years of my career working directly with grower producers and their operation in southeast North Dakota where I did field scouting, seed sales, chemistry services, and fertilizer inputs. I then worked for Monsanto for 4.5 years on seed and chemistry. Currently, I work for Mosaic Co. promoting performance product fertilizers in the tri-state area of the upper Midwest. For these last nine years, I help with new concepts, technical questions, and soil health, in addition to agronomy training, sales support, and local marketing. I served on the ND CCA board of directors from 2003-2009.

Why be a CCA?
For 25 years, I have been a Certified Crop Adviser. It gives me a special distinction as an agronomist and advisor. I worked hard to get my certification and the continuing education keeps me up to date on what’s new and relevant in agronomy. It shows that I care about this great industry and am willing to protect and preserve it.

Hobbies outside of Ag:
I love gardening, cooking, and camping I simply love the outdoors.

Sherry discussing soil tests and crop recommendations.