Jason Hanson

Jason Hanson

Hometown: Webster, ND
Education: B.S. Ag Economics, NDSU (1992)


How did you get started in agriculture?
I grew up on a farm Northeast of Devils Lake, ND and worked for my dad and uncle doing farm work. My brother, two cousins, and I drove truck, swathed, cultivated, and picked rocks. My first job away from the farm was as a crop scout for Centrol.

Work career and responsibilities?
After a second summer as a crop scout, I ended up graduating from NDSU and took a job with Centrol in the Stearns, Kandiyohi, and Meeker counties of Minnesota. After doing that for three years, I came back to Devils Lake, ND to work in retail for the next eight years. My main job was retail sales with Lake Region Grain Coop, Terra, and United Agri Products. I then took a job at Agriliance as a technical agronomist for ND, Northwest MN, and Eastern Montana that focused on training, meetings, technical assistance, sales support, and Answer Plots. This company became WinField United. I worked there for 17 years. Recently, I started my own consulting company, Rock and Roll Agronomy. I do scouting, recommendations, and soil testing for my farmer clients. I also contract with ag retailers as a technical resource.

Why be a CCA?
Being a Certified Crop Adviser was the right thing to do for me. It sets a bar for me to hold myself to and pushes me to keep current and relevant. There is something about saying you are a CCA; it holds weight when working with clients and others in the industry.

Hobbies outside of Ag:
Reading about history, hunting mule deer in the Badlands of ND, ice fishing, international travel, and music.